Martes, Nobyembre 17, 2015

Disturbing Amateur Newbie SEO Trend

We’ve noticed a disturbing trend of amateurs and newbies who purport to be SEO professionals lately. I’m always trying to keep up with the trends and learn more, so I’m often on/in webinars, seminars, and conferences where there are people selling search engine optimization courses directly to these inexperienced people. The line is, SEO is easy. We’ll show you how to do it in a few days and you can sell your services for thousands of dollars immediately. Because of this, there are a lot of people out there, who say they do SEO, but in truth have no idea what they’re doing.

What I’m seeing more and more of these days is the following. In reality, the newbies who just bought someone else’s SEO course and learned how to manipulate Google for the time being, may well have just started doing SEO yesterday, or in the last few weeks or months. So when Google updates their algorithm to stop people from trying to easily game the system and spamming the results, these so called professionals have no idea how to fix suddenly lost rankings. In short the client get penalized and loses their rankings.

If you don’t have the money to hire a real Search Engine Optimization professional, do yourself a favor and try something else, because in the long run it’s going to hurt you and cost you much more money to fix the mess. We talk to people on a regular basis who have tried other so called SEO professionals, and have spent  many hundreds or thousands of dollars for no results, or very short lived results. Then it costs them even more to fix the problem and clean up the mess and penalties that prevent the site from ever ranking well in the future.

If you’re in need of experienced optimization and website marketing, give me a call at 570-269-5130. – Real Results, No Sales Fluff

The post Disturbing Amateur Newbie SEO Trend appeared first on Cooper Marotta.

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